I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone 我希望大家都别再来干涉我,让我一个人静一静。
Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone 有人需要直面过去的创伤,有人则觉得不去想它为妙。
He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere. 他知道什么时候该适可而止,什么时候该插手干预。
I'll leave you alone here so you can mull it over. 我不打扰你了,你在这儿可以仔细考虑考虑这事儿。
The sensible thing is to leave them alone. 别去管他们才是明智的。
'Please,' he telegraphed, 'just leave it alone.' “拜托,”他在电报中说,“别管它了。”
Why don't they just leave it alone? 他们就不能别管了吗?
Kindly leave me alone! 劳驾您别打扰我!
Leave them alone to their discussion. 别干扰他们,叫他们自己讨论吧。
Leave him alone! he's in one of his moods again. 别理他,他又犯病了。
She's always fretful and peevish like this, so just leave her alone. 她动不动就闹小性儿,让她闹去,甭理她。
He's trying to pick a quarrel; so it's better to leave him alone. 他正找不到话茬儿呢,别惹他。
When the boss gets mad, leave him alone. 当老板生气时,不要理他。
They would leave alone by the back door without a bodyguard while Rees-Jones stationed himself as a decoy at the front. 他们将从后门溜走,不带保镖,而里斯-琼斯则呆在前门作诱饵。
So, in this article I am going to concentrate on the business-level, technology-agnostic analysis classes, and leave alone almost all technology issues until we discuss design. 因此,在这一步,我将会侧重于业务方面的,与技术无关的分析类。在讨论设计的时候再讨论涉及技术的部分。
Although I came into this world alone and will leave alone, I am not alone. 虽然我孤独地来到这个世界,也将独自离去,但我并不孤单。
How can you leave alone? 你怎麽能一个人离开?
I really love you, so I have to choose to leave alone. 我是真的爱你,所我选择了独自离开。
I just said I was going to leave you alone. 我刚说了我不会再打搅你了。
The rest of the list we'll leave alone ( for now). 列表的其余部分,我们会先放着不管(暂时的)。
Enter a value and press OK to change; click CANCEL to leave alone 输入一个值并按确定按钮来完成修改;单击取消按钮离开
He will leave alone things that might cause trouble. 他从来不干会招惹是非的事。
Leave alone the boy, he can make up his own mind. 不要管这个小男孩,他自己能做决定。
What I want is for you to leave me alone! 我想要的就是,你别管我!
Leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world. 把自己的宗教当作嬉戏和娱乐,而且为今世生活所欺骗的人,你可以任他们自便。
We shall never get eight of us in the car, leave alone the bags and boxes. 这辆小车绝不可能装进我们8个人,更不用说这些提包和箱子了。
I could extremely not imagine how much times better to leave alone& individually silently compared with friends sending off of a large group, but still you chose the former. 我无法想象一个人悄悄地走要比一大群朋友的欢送好多少倍,但你却选择了前者。
Note that the paper does not investigate the reason for data naturally grouping, leave alone discussing the issue of selecting the best one among many group attributes. 本文并不探讨数据自然分组的形成原因,也不涉及如何从众多分组属性中选择最优分组属性的问题。